ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I probably should have slept instead… pt.3

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Boy, that’s one hell of an opening statement. Personally, I think this section of the Declaration of Independence is attacked all too often. Why? Well, in most cases people don’t realize that there is this neat little part ahead of that and a whole bunch of cool words after it. So I will separate myself from the drive-by melon heads that think this document ends here. In most cases, this is about all that is given to our fine youth of America to study. In the “ :::insert ANYTHING here ::: for Dummies” world that we are drowning in, you really can’t expect too much. Well, I do… but that’s a whole different story we might come too down the line. Anyways, the next few lines are the ones we seem to overlook all too often. If you don’t happen to have a copy of it sitting next to you while you’re reading this, I’m all too happy to let you read it here…
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Hmmmmm, so let’s think about this. It is the RIGHT of the people to alter or abolish the government if they start to fall of their rocker. Problem is, we aren’t even allowed to see the front porch the rocker is on in order to tell who the hell is wrecking the joint. Well, it’s easy to say the man in the oval office is at fault. Sure, why not, he is the political puppet that gets all the airtime right? Now before you go setting me on fire and feeding me to the witch eaters in a third world country, hear me out. My problem with this blame is very simple. In my twisted view, it’s not him who is wrecking it… it’s him NOT doing ANYTHING about it. Now grant it, his job is to “drive our country” into greatness...problem is, he is asleep at the wheel and letting his little shoulder angel goons do the driving. You know the ones I am talking about right? His mod squad of imaginary people who he talks to that live next to his head? You can always tell when he is gathering more information from them when he shrugs his shoulders over and over again… which coincidentally happens when he makes that little Muttley giggle of his… (Let’s file that one for later observation) Where was I…. oh yes, so the rest of the opening paragraphs of the Declaration covers quick quips about how it is in our right to get rid of our government and replace it with a new system and such… not a good idea to be turning our government into a Sears catalog changing as the seasons roll by, but to ensure that changes for the people occur? THAT’S a GOOD idea. What we need is the super candidate. We need someone strong. Someone smart. A worldly individual. A self starter who can grab this country and force it home to the promise land. We need a delicate blend of the finest qualities from all parties that have forced their one sided views on us. We need a president that can relate and share their own pain with the people. Someone charismatic. Someone who will listen and actually understand what the masses are saying. Shit… I just described… never mind this person doesn’t exist. So what do we do? Well, take a DEEP look at who is out there for us. We have our choices in front of us, we just need to ALL stand up and join each other to make the “people’s” voice heard. So how the hell is this going to happen with mouths running and ears closed? Not to mention, between Starbucks, fast food, and Oprah when do we have time to band together as “the people” to do anything about it. Be right back… need some coffee… (Stay tuned)

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