ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Become a guitar master NOW!

All you need is about ohhhhh 3 friggin weeks of free time, a great video editor, and the patients of those maple syrup collectors in New England. Although, hats off on an original vid and a great tune.

Damn it Jim I'm a doctor, not a quantum physicist...

That's it. Time for me to start worrying about the world we live in. It would appear that the world of Gene Roddenberry is right around the corner. In what would have to be one of the more stunning events in modern science, the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, have successfully 'transported' matter from one location to another. That's right folks... teleportation is no longer a dream.

No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter — about a yard.This is a significant milestone in a field known as quantum information processing, said Christopher Monroe of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, who led the effort.
Now the JQI team, along with colleagues at the University of Michigan, has succeeded in teleporting a quantum state directly from one atom to another over a meter. That capability is necessary for workable quantum information systems because they will require memory storage at both the sending and receiving ends of the transmission.In the Jan. 23 issue of the journal Science, the scientists report that, by using their protocol, atom-to-atom teleported information can be recovered with perfect accuracy about 90 percent of the time — and that figure can be improved.

Hmmmmm 100% accuracy 90% of the time.... That still means you can get scrambled and end up with an asshole on your forehead and a dork for an elbow.... SIGN ME UP!!!

To read more head on over to

All joking aside, I have to say I am really excited about this... imagine what the next generation will come up with, that is if they can step away from MySpace. Facebook, Twitter, and GeoTracking of friends for the hell of it....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our proud nation...

In what actually makes me sick to my friggin stomach, there is a new trend out there... auctioning off a job/position for the LOWEST acceptable pay. Now I'm not talking about contractors or construction... or even production lines. I'm talking about your 9-5 cube monkey life of a job. Sit down, log in, drool, log out, go home type of job... the job that over the course of last year, hundreds of thousands found themselves without...

In a sign of just how tough it is to find work in the struggling economy, a group of Boston college grads has created a Web site that allows job seekers to try for positions based on who will work for the lowest salary. Similar to eBay’s bidding system, visitors can bid on job positions by stating how much they are willing to be paid. They can also post why they are qualified and create a profile that includes a photo.Employers can then select the most qualified and affordable bidder to hire for the job. Nguyen said it might be the right tool for many in an extremely tight job market --especially for recent grads. Massachusetts’ unemployment was 5.9 percent in November and rising.“College tuitions are on the rise and there are hiring freezes for many entry-level jobs.”He's banking on representing the future of job competition.

You have GOT to be f'n kidding me...

Don't get me wrong, I'm alllll for civil rights. Laws for equality. The abolishment of racism, but... this is a two way street people. Equal is equal the last time I checked. I guess in this case it's not.

Seven black firefighters are suing the city, contending that the Houston Fire Department’s test for officer promotions adversely affects blacks. “This is systemic discrimination,” said the firefighters’ attorney, Dennis Thompson. “Selection rates for African-Americans are abysmally smaller than for white candidates.” Firefighters trying to attain the rank of captain and above in the Houston Fire Department must take a 100-question multiple-choice test. Numerous studies show that blacks as a group do less well on high-stakes tests, Thompson said. He said fire departments should use cognitive tests only as a pass-fail benchmark and also should focus on performance exercises and other criteria. “We don’t do as well on these multiple-choice tests,” said Capt. Otis Jordan, president of the Houston Black Firefighters Association. Jordan and the HBFA are not part of the suit. “I compare fighting a fire, riding an apparatus, to playing football. Your best athlete might not be the straight-A student.”

Wow... well I guess it's a good thing Dr. Guion Stewart Bluford figured out how to take a test... considering he was an astronaut. Oh and what about Shirley Chisholm, I guess by this logic she didn't actually take any tests at Columbia University for her Masters before she became a Congresswoman. And where would we be without Dr. Charles Richard Drew... because we all know that becoming a medical doctor and being credited with his discoveries with blood plasma have nothing to do with written tests. Hmmmm and I take it Martin Luther King, Jr. never took anything in the way of a written test...

And in golfing news...

Most of you know I fancy a bit of golf every now and then. I have even been known to play more than once a week... ok... maybe even 4 times a week. Anyways, I came across this wonderful article about a man who is suing the Candia Woods Golf Links. The reason? He got a hole in one... problem is, the hole was is eye and he is now blind in it. Now before I get drug through the streets for making bad golf puns about ones misfortune, the reason he is suing is because he wasn't warned that a ball HE hit could bounce off of something, come back, and hit him. Dolt...

Paul Sanchez, a 67-year-old "occasional" golfer, sued Candia Woods Golf
Links this week over an accident that left him blind in one eye. Sanchez, of 20 Country Club Drive, Manchester, was golfing with two or three friends in September 2006 when a ball he hit bounced off a yardage-marker and "whacked him" in the right eye, according to his attorney, Barry M. Scotch."Before he
could even -- pardon the expression -- blink, he was hit," Scotch said. "It just ricocheted right back at him."In the lawsuit, Sanchez faults the course's owners for failing to warn him about the markers, which are used by golfers to decide what type of club to use and how much effort to put into a swing. The suit contends the course didn't warn Sanchez about the risk in the pro shop, on the scorecard or on any tee boxes.

To skank or not to skank....

Is it just me, or has the mainstream news almost gotten this bad...

NSFW due to language...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Look into my eyes...

Ok, this one... well... I guess you're just going to have to watch and listen... wow... I'm almost ashamed to be human.

NSFW due to lyrics

Bad day?

Yea mmmmkay, watch this video... think about your day.... THEN answer that question...

Monday, February 2, 2009


LOL ok, it's official people. The ChuCK man has officially checked out. I know this is an older song, but I'm friggin hooked on it. Makes me want to drink Vodka, Ouzo, and grab a big bowl of Golabki.

Can you hear me now?

Well, looks like I'm going to have to bring back the 'ol jackass awards. In what would have been at least a foot note in the Darwin awards this year, a young man decided it would be a good idea to chase after a friends cell phone. Problem you ask? That's what friends do you say? If you and your friend happen to be walking along the side of the caldera of Crater Lake and one of them drops something... let it go. No, don't be a hero... nothing to prove... just let it go... Not to mention, anyone who owns a cell phone knows for a fact that most of them can't handle falling off your hip much less into a crater hundreds of feet down.

A man almost fell into Crater Lake on Saturday after he tried to reach his friend's cell phone that had dropped into the caldera. Jackson County firefighters said Kevin Harris, an Oregon Air National Guard airman, climbed down the ice in hopes of reaching the cell phone Saturday afternoon. However, he slid 200 feet and almost fell into the lake, fire officials said. If Harris hadn't stopped his descent, he would have dropped off a 700-foot cliff, the Medford Mail-Tribune newspaper reported.

Jenny Jenny, long live the 80's... (yes you can sing the title of this entry)

Today seems to be full of 80's flash backs. First was the DJ from New Jersey, Spencer Potter, who was auctioning off his phone number... 867-5309. eBay pulled the listing after Verizon complained about it... BOOOOOOooooo. Then I stumbled across this kick ass Ghostbusters t-shirt at And finally, I got hooked for a few hours on this little gem of a site... Go there are your own risk...

So now the real question is, do I actually miss the 80's or am I longing for some lost youth. Shit... midlife crisis time already? I'm not ready for this... OOOOooooo look a Smokey and The Bandit marathon on T.V.!

All for nothing...

A few days ago I posted about my displeasure on the remake of the Mean Joe Green Coke commercial... well, goes to show... in my HUMBLE opinion... I was right. They should have left it alone and not even TOUCHED it. Ok, sure it had a tiny bit of humor... the over the shoulder "is he coming" was cute, BUT all in all... I would have rather spoon fed my eyeballs to a wolverine. Ok, maybe not that bad... For those of you that missed it, here it is in its entirety as it aired during the Super Bowl. Also, here is the link to my original rant about it...

A moment of silence please...

BOOM! So some of you know, I have a soft spot for the 'ol pig of a plane known as the C-130. In this case, I can't think of a send off more fitting for the king of the sky. For a little back story, this is what happens when an aircraft in the US inventory is beyond repair and in a deployed situation. Strip it, gut it, set it a blaze...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Congrats Steelers!

As I said before, I was pulling for the AFC. So all is good in my home... Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers on a great Super Bowl XLIII win! Final score: Steelers 27, Cardinals 23.

I'm just sayin...

Now those of you who know me have heard me say "make love, not war". I live by that rule... and I'm not saying I agree with this outcome... but I understand. Frankly, the little shit deserved it...