ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Always remember safe sex...

Sooooo here is the question... Having sex like a wild animal is perfectly normal. It is, just face it... as long as you are safe about it. Always use a condom. Simple.... So what about fetishes... well those are fine too, whips, food, leather... you name it. Even balloon animals. Well, what if it's balloon animals MADE out of condoms having sex...

Like I say... it takes all kinds...

Possibly NSFW! lol

Daaaaamn thats hot! I need a smoke... brb...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So, I might... maybe... well.. not sure... one sec...

Have you ever been at that crossroad? The one where you are stuck right in the damn middle... no guidance, no clue, no direction... I'm there. Well, I think I am. I'm really not sure if I am or not, but I may very well be. When you have all the information you need and you still feel like it's not enough. You find your self clawing at every thought that skips through your mind... picking it apart and tossing it aside, nope... that's not it... that's not what I want. Or is it... it could be, there is a good chance it is... I think. YES! It is! THAT'S IT!!!

Maybe if I just listen to Journey it will all be better...

Nope... that didn't help... now I feel a bit weird about myself. THANKS inner thoughts.... damn it...

KKKaaaaaaaahhhhhhnnnnn... The plane!

On a VERY sad note, actor Ricardo Montalban passed away today at the young age of 88. For the better half of 4 decades, this Mexican Monchismo was THE man when it came to Hispanic actors. He dominated most table conversations and every form of entertainment through the 50's, 60's, and 70's appearing in everything from T.V. shows to coffee commercials. With his thick accent and sensual draw, most women of the day couldn't help but pay attention to this exotic man... and some are still swept off their feet to this day. In the 80's he was thrown back into center stage with one of his most memorable roles ever, bringing back the genetic superhuman, Khan Noonien Singh in the feature film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Showing his complete love for the art, he accepted the role for a mere $100,000 because he enjoyed the character that he portrayed in the original T.V. series so much. Although, his most prominent contributions may have actually occurred off screen as the president and founder of Nosotros. The non-profit organisation for the improvement of the Latino and Hispanic image in the entertainment industry. The lasting impressions he has left for Hispanic entertainers reach far beyond his unforgettable roles on screen.

God speed Mr Montalban.... You will be missed...

"If you shake your fist, the other guy will shake his too. But if you extend your hand to shake their hand, then they will extend theirs also, and you've made a friend."

- Ricardo Montalban

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

MMmmmmm love me my precious...

Well, I think I have finally lost it. I have fallen prey to a social network... As most of you know... I love music. I always have some kind of tune in my head, ear buds in, or music blasting to the masses. Well about a year ago now, I broke down and bought an MP3 player. Now I had won a iPod Nano 2gb in a contest... don't ask it is REAL geeky... anyways, I loved it with the exception that I have play lists that are bigger than 2gb and I hate the way you barely touch the little scroll wheel thingy and it would go off and do something. Not the kind of sensitivity you want while driving. So here I am at Best Buy with an iPod Classic 80gb in one hand and the Zune 80 in the other. Now, I'm the kind of person that will research a product until it is discontinued... so this was a life changing moment for me. After much picking up and putting down... I chose the Zune 80. For reasons such as disabling the touch pad, the Wi-Fi sync system, FM tuner... and not to mention the stock ear buds are DAMN good quality. So why am I mentioning this now? Well, I have been resisting joining the Zune Social site. A neat little place to share everything there is about music... and now I'm addicted. Custom backgrounds, favorites, shows what you listen too... the works.

Damn it... I have been rambling. Ok, back to my point, you don't have to own a Zune to use the Zune player and become a part of the Zune Social. At least I don't think you do.... Anyways, if anyone out there owns a Zune or is a part of Zune Social let me know. I have added the link to my profile off on the left side of my home page that looks like this...

Here is the direct link as well.

Right now I have it set up so that only people that are a part of my friends network can see details about my listening habits... oh yes... it's that scary....

When you're hot your're hot...

Ok, there is ohhhhhhh about only ONE reader that will get this, but you know what... your DAMN worth it! So I came across something I just have to send you. This will make your FAVORITE past time even more enjoyable! It's a see through iron. :-) Ok, before you kick me in the nuts over this... it's real damn it. I bring you the B-Iron 725! Completely see through and all the styling of the rich and famous. Although, it is missing any ability to produce steam... which means they are successfully marketing this to people who have actually never had to iron their own cloths in their life, but have to own it because it looks cool...

Monday, January 12, 2009

People that piss me off...(pt1)

Ann Coulter, you slag whore of a waste of flesh. The only good thing about you is that you are an easy target for people to be angry at. You just plain piss me off. That is all...

My god man, what happened to your manhood?

Now I believe in equal rights like the next person. I will also never tell someone what they should or shouldn't do... but this time my limits are being pressed. I ran across an article today that just about made me shiver myself into a little ball and cry for mommy. What would do this to big bad mean 'ol ChuCK? Mantyhose. That's right... no typo... mantyhose. Pantyhose for men... ahem... ok... now, I'm all for gettin' freaky in the bedroom, you know with that special someone, BUT let me tell you RIGHT now... this one, I'm going to have to pass on. I'm sure some of you are calling bullshit. "Yea yea ChuCK, some of the stuff you come up with..." Ok, don't say I didn't warn you...

(Here is the link for your shopping pleasure...)

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Damn, I have been KILLING myself over this for a while now...

Ok, back story... Myself and several people I deal with on a day to day basis were coming up with movies that we remember from our past... problem is... I forgot one of them that I wanted to mention. Nothing pisses me off more than going into a conversation knowing exactly what you are going to say... just to draw a blank. Well... I did exactly that in this case. SOOOOOoooo now I'm here to vindicate myself to the entire interweb that I have remembered the movie!

Morons From Outer Space! Released back in 1985!

Was it good? No... actually no it wasn't, BUT that wasn't the point of the conversation either lol. What I do remember is an underrated performance by British actor Mel Smith. I have to say, of the generation of actor/writers at that time, he was top notch. He is one of those people that when you talk about him it's along the lines of... "oh you know him... he is that guy... in that movie..." Well, be befuddled (wait was that one of those double negatives my teacher used to yell at me about?) no more, just mention that he is the albino in the dungeon scene in the movie The Princess Bride.

If you wish to torture yourself even further... here is the closing credits of the movie. But I must warn you... you may become less intelligent by simply watching it... lol

LEGO Porn!!!

Well this one I would file in the NSFW category... but still damn cool. This is what happens to that one kid that never grew up... that's 30 years old... living with mom... STILL playing with his LEGOs...

Actually, the cool thing is that it isn't really made from LEGOs. It's a form of pixelizing portions of a photograph. What... a guy can't hope for LEGO porn? Don't judge me...

NFL Playoffs...

Ok, so lets talk football a bit. I know some of you hate it... BUT, simple fact is that most men are addicted to some sort of sport. Lets face it... if you can't get laid, you can always watch some sort of competitive sport to get your rocks off. It's as barbaric as that. Anyways, I'm sitting here watching the Giants and the Eagles slug it out in a messy game anxiously awaiting a Giants loss. Before anyone goes and sets fire to me, hear me out.

First off, NOT an Eli Manning fan. Any primadonna snot nosed shit that has the HONOR of being drafted in the NFL, who whines and holds out for a trade on draft day because they don't like what team chooses them... needs to be told to go back to the playground and shut the hell up. Admittedly, he has won a Super Bowl, but still. Where have the players gone that just played for the love of the game? You never hear about the guys who grind day in and day out making the league minimum, but are there because they are chasing a dream. NOOOOOoooooo you hear about the pretty boy quarterback who thinks he is better than the common man, or the gambling ring that has been bankrolled by insane contracts, hell you even hear about shootings and beating that come at the hand of these so called role models. That's what I want the youth of today looking up too.... "Sorry teach, I'm not turning in that homework because I never agreed to the terms bound in this classroom for the graduation year... speak to my agent."

Second, I think that watching McNabb, the good and bad version, take a team into and through the playoffs is a great story. Shunned by the city of Philadelphia's fair weathered fans who only love him when they win, benched in the middle of the season for a rough (one of many) outings, and the fact that he STILL has the monkey of Terrell Owens on his back. That just makes for great news... sorry sports writers, no one was found with a hooker on the field and no one went to jail for beating up someone in the bar... maybe next time you will get lucky with your 'All is dark in the NFL' story you morose bastards.

Third, lets face it... repeat winners are boring. Spice it up a little... time to share the wealth of winning with the fans as well. That's what keep these damn professional diaper wipes of athletes paid... fans. ( )Maybe I'm just bitter because the team I love has to be in one of the toughest divisions in the NFL... and the chance of them making the playoffs anytime soon are as good as a recount in the presidency voting to show that McCain won...

Oh well, we will get them next year... GO TEXANS!


Call now and get a second BeDazzler free!!

This is a sad state of humanity when any car, much less a Mercedes-Benz SL600, can be covered in rhinestones... and people LIKE it!

An exhibitor polishes the customized Mercedes-Benz SL600, Luxury Crystal Benz, studded with 300,000 Swarovski crystal glass, displayed at the pavilion of custom car accessory company Garson/D.A.D at Tokyo Auto Salon 2009 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, east of Tokyo

(Xinhua/Reuters Photos)