ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

More insight into the mind of ChuCK... (pt.4)

Ok, fresh day, fresh set of music. I know the end of the last one kind of went south real quick. There were several things going on in the world, not to mention mine, that really drew me to experiment in the different kind of music that was out there. No, for those of you who know the real me, drugs were not involved lol. I would say that there are very few people on this planet that are not related to me that know the REAL me... and get it. Cosmo, my friend, you are one of them. Even through all my antics, acts of Don Juan-ism, and the fact that I swore it was ok for a girl to sit on your lap because there was no room in the car... every weekend... You have been there and I thank you. I still remember the day I met you, uncompromising then about who you are and to this day the same conviction is alive and well. NO he's not gay people, but if he were and I were... well, yea... I admit... I'd do him. LOL. Now that we have all the mushy stuff out of the way, the darker years of my life were rolling on. I was still listening to the same music matter of fact I was actually going back in time and listening to more of the stuff I heard on 8-Track and vinyl when I was younger... every now and then a current track snuck into my life. This is where I warn you that there is NO consistency in what I listened to or remember... we are rolling into my high school years people... hold on lol.

Wow... that was an odd one to revisit lol I could have posted about 20 more... maybe next time.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cosplay meet ChuCK... ChuCK, meet Cosplay. Ok WTF was that?!?!

Evening all, well it is for me anyways and I'm wore the hell out. So there is a special someone in my life that has been talking about San-Japan for a while now. For the uneducated like myself, San Japan is a non-profit group that holds yearly Japanese Culture and Anime Convention. So let me break this down for you, having just experiencing a whole day of it, it had more to do with dressing up in costume and buying a ton of Japanese Anime stuff. They definitely are holding a bit of creative liberty with the whole Japanese culture thing. There was only two booths that were, what I would call Japanese culture in nature. The rest were all figurines, books, and costumes.... So, anyways, we started our adventure driving to Downtown San Antonio. That in it's own rights is an entertaining experience. I hadn't been there in years, but my foggy memory got us to the right spot. The good thing is, once we parked it was pretty easy to find where we were going... because it looked like we had been dropped in the middle of a power hour on Cartoon Network. There were more colors of hair than there are colors in a Crayola box. Needless to say, my golf polo and visor I was wearing was a dead give away of the n00b in town. I stood in line for a bit for the registration and looked around wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into... There were people walking around with over sized 5 foot swords, a guy wearing a school girls skirt outfit (nasty ass hairy legs included), and several people that needed a bit more of their bodies covered up. For the better of 4 hours there was a burning of a rave beat drilled into my head from the blasting music while I was wandering around looking at everyone. Then off in the distance across the room there was a crowd looking at a group of people fighting... with cardboard. Sad thing is, one of the guys was about in tears because his sword that he had worked on for 5 hours bent and was constantly floppy. This is where I learned what Cosplay was first hand. Sure I had seen pictures on the net, seen videos on YouTube, hell even been told all about it by a good friend of mine... but it's something all together different when you see it first hand. They were absolutely sold that they were the actual characters they were dressed up as. Even to the tune of butchering the Japanese language... which felt odd when I corrected them. Kids to adults were all dressed up moving around the rooms like they were in a movie, some of them even crawling on the ground to stay "in character". As the day went on, the people showing up were almost in a battle of "one upmanship" to better the person next to them with their tricked out costumes. There was even a repair shop booth... that's right, a place to walk on up and get your gear and costume repaired on the spot! I'm in the wrong business because those guys were raking in the money. All in all it was an interesting day and we plan on making this an annual trip. I don't think that I will be dressing up anytime soon, but it was a lot of fun to watch people just enjoy themselves with no reservation. Outside of the freaky old guy with the camera taking pictures of skimpy dressed girls that were old enough to be his grand daughters, everyone was cool. I didn't like that guy much... and had no problem speaking my mind about it... I think this might be the start of a new game in life for me... called ChuCK_AmuCK was here! Notice the name on the badge? Damn right I did and no one even came close to trying to stop me...

More insight into the mind of ChuCK... (pt.3)

Damn, I need a TON more bandwidth, not to mention I'm sure I have bored the hell out of all my readers at this point. You know what? This is therapeutic damn it... hell, I MIGHT CRY! well... not really, but damn it I'M having fun with it lol Here are a few more from my early teens leading up to the point of ohhhhh about 15 years old or so.... give or take... it's kind of a blur lol

Yes, I memorized it lol

The video that would have also been on this list is one by Skinny Puppy - Testure off the album "VIVIsectVI". Due to the graphic nature of this video...VERY GRAPHIC in my opinion... I have chosen to not include it in my trip. Now, if you chose to go look the video up, PLEASE keep in mind that Skinny Puppy at the time were massive activists against animal cruelty and quite vocal about it. This particular song was a protest song about the acts that were being conducted on animals and the video that was made for it... well... was banned pretty much everywhere for showing some of the heart wrenching surgeries that were conducted on these poor defenseless animals. Again, I am only mentioning this song because it made an impact on my life, but I NEVER want to see the video again...If you can't tell at this point... HUGE animal lover over here in the world of ChuCK.

This was the beginning of a pretty dark time in the life of ChuCK... Bust hey, I made it, cause I'm here typing this lol

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More insight into the mind of ChuCK... (pt.2)

After going back and looking at some of those videos, I have to admit... I blended over into the early teen years as well. Not by much though. So to continue the journey, the next ones are from my early teens.... and I mean EARLY! Again... in no particular order... :-)

... I can't even dram a couple of years into this post. There are so many more from the period.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More insight into the mind of ChuCK... (pt.1)

I was taken back today. I was thrown back into the pits of my mind, oh and it's a deep dark place let me tell you. People I know in person have referred to me as the human Google. Not because I scour the web, it's because of the real odd crap that I have stored in my brain... not to mention my attention span is a little rough sometimes. Case in point, I'm already off the subject. So, as I was saying, I was taken back today and most of my memories are tied to music. There were several phases I went through during my youth, so it's real hard to pin down one particular style. In the interest of separating my phases, I have decided to do my best digging to take a musical trip through my youth to share music that has been burned into my memories. Each song will represent a feeling, a moment, or even something as simple as I listened to it over and over again. In the first installment, the music will be stuff from my tween (as the psychobabble people say) type years... I'm not saying that I liked them then or even now, but when I hear them... they take me back. Good luck on this journey... and I'm sorry... yes, I'm damaged up in the 'ol noodle... lol

Ok, so this doesn't even come CLOSE to all of it... looks like the tween years will have a part two...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

...and now Triumph!

LOL not safe for work at all considering the language. Some old, some new, and some that are instant classics...

and the classic...