ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cream or sugar with that darling?

I’ve been reading through my normal barrage of websites, RSS feeds, and emails today and there is a common theme amongst most of what I’m looking at… its crap. The news is just about worthless, every single story is either an earth shattering news breaker about a cat stuck in a tree in the middle of a forest fire, prices of everything getting worse because the apocalypse is near, or the same old re-hash of a story that frankly… I’m tired of hearing. Email is even worse, when I fired up outlook today, 783 emails… I read half of one… half of a single email. I don’t want any more emails about forwarding it on to 10 people so that Jesus will help a child in a town that doesn’t exist. I’m all for helping people who are less fortunate, but do you really think that the son of God will show up because an email said so? If he does, then cool! Call Fox news or the United Press, but don’t tell me that someone will die because I don’t forward an email. I wonder what scripture in the good book covers chain email and threats of purgatory if you don’t use the forward feature within Outlook… Oh, and don’t even get me started on the RSS feeds, why do I even bother with those. Half the time they are never updated and when they are, you guessed it…. Crap. I don’t claim to say that what I write is any better, but come on. At least make the information worthwhile.

Whatever happened to the good news? Or a friendly letter in the mail asking how your summer or holiday was? Where did the visit to the corner diner for some coffee and a smoke go? When was the last time anyone ever just woke up, got dressed, grabbed a news paper at the corner stand, just to head into the local diner (not some chain money machine) to get a cup of coffee and TALK to another person about current events? Who cares if you even know the person, but damn it you were willing to listen to their views or story. Have we become a society so removed from the human element of interaction that we resort to staring at someone’s face with the tilted puppy dog look of confusion because we don’t see one of these " LMAO OMG :-) " attached to their forehead to know how they feel? Again, I’m not saying I’m innocent of these social crimes, but damn… I actually do enjoy sitting at a diner bar with a cup of coffee in hand sharing a conversation with a complete stranger. The stories you can hear… there is a passion within each and every one of us, begging to be let out. Some of us have stories of heroes, war, and fear… others of compassion, love, or heated lust. There is no such thing as an award winning writer… just a fellow human being who has found a way to share a tale with the masses. Just like some people say, if you are about to speak out, but are afraid to because those around you… you’re helping feed their fear of speaking out as well. Speak out. Stand up. Ask those questions. Share those stories. Complete strangers can be the most therapeutic ears in the world. They can’t judge based on any of your past. It doesn’t even exist, it never happened. But the now, the now is right in the face. BAM! There it is!

Often I wonder if what some cultures believe is true… about reincarnation. What if the body is just a shell for a traveling soul? Have I been shoved forward in time and the memories of a simpler time are slamming around in my mind’s eye? Does my soul yearn for something that is misses, is there something that was left behind? Or am I, as they say, old fashioned… would I even have the patients to write letters or WALK instead of drive somewhere if I had no other choice… If we do have souls that wonder from host body to the next, what is the point? Oh, see now I have done it… I have fallen into the trap door question of ‘what is the meaning of life’. Well, I’m not going there. It doesn’t matter anyways because I believe that once we figure it out, it’s too friggin late to share with others what you have learned. Not to mention, they wouldn’t listen anyways.

In a way I think I’m a blend of both, an old soul in a modern body that wants to experience the past it never had… if that even makes sense. I guess what I’m trying to get to is, do we have to be completely desensitized to everything that is around us due to the drive through society we live in. If someone fell while walking next to you would you laugh or help them up… this person you know nothing about who is down at the time… When was the last time a random person passing paths in a busy shop just said hello because you made eye contact… when was the last time you said hello first…

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


'ChuCK's Words of Wisdom' has been changed...

That is all...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Damn it to hell...

So I'm rounding out the front 9 at the golf course I play at and I'm feeling good about my game. I opened the day with back to back pars so I was in a grove. Started to slide a bit with back to back bogies, but I'm still feeling it. The next three holes were a total disaster, so I won't go there. As I was saying, rounding out the front 9 pulling up to the 8th which is a deceiving par 4 coming in at about 395 off the blue tee. I had been hitting the driver well today, not great... sliced a couple, but for the most part right in the 260 range with a bit of a fade. Well, good 'ol number 8 takes a bit of a jack to get it across the mess that is set up in front of you. A jungle of an unpenetrable mess in front of you and if you hook your drive your gonna end up in the pit. Which is nothing but gravel and waste land. I blast off the tee and sure enough.... it starts drawing for the crap on the left. I knew I was screwed. Even though it felt great off the tee, where it lands is oh so important versus how it feels when it flies. So I hop in the cart to go survey the damage knowing full well I popped in right in the middle of the junk. To my surprise I find that it had actually hit some pretty hard stuff and continued forward on towards the green. I'm not in the fairway, but DAMN that was a monster. I was sitting about 65 yards out from the pin. I grabbed my trusty trouble wedge, lined it up, and let it rip out of the mid rough that it was nestled in. That ball came off the face of the club like a rocket. Strait up and right at the pin. It dropped out of the sky like a stork delivering a baby, just a nice soft plop all of 4 feet from the cup. I knew I had hit it well, but not that well. As the rest of the group I was with made their way onto the green, I just looked in amazement... I'm 4 feet from a birdie. I'm usually right at par or one over.. so a birdie for me is a rare thing. Everyone putted out and it was my turn to wrap up the hole. Reading the break, just a bit right... that's all it was... a bit right. I have nailed this put a hundred times. I cleared my practice puts out of my mind and stepped in to do the deed. Drew back my putter and the softest of all 'pops' off my putter kissed the ball to the hole... problem? It only rolled about 3 of the 4 feet. You have got to be kidding me... I'm short? I'M NEVER SHORT!!!!! I blew it. A miscue, a doink, a boff, a limp wristed swag of the stick...

I so suck... lol

oh and for the record... no short skirts were witnessed on the course. Although there was one guy with a fairly girlie wag...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Should I?

In a continuation of my retrospective look upon myself i have decided to set up a poll to determine if i should continue writing about myself. A very close friend of mine years ago told me that know one with the luck I have had over the years should ignore the fact that my memoirs would be a riot to read. So as that has been floating around my hollow skull, I have started to ask some of my readers this very question. I wouldn't necessarily write it all in the form of a book to release, but i was planning on paying tribute to the stipudity of my life in chapters right here on my blog. So, if you get a chance... vote what you think over there in the poll are to the left...

Damn you're a hot limber chick... you are a chick right?

Well, stipudity is one of those things that knows now boundaries of race, religion, or nationality. Although what they are doing isn't really stupid... It's the fact that they feel it needs to be done. Why do I envision a line of glory hole style walls with hands sticking through them checking to see if these women have dangle bags between their legs...

Olympic host Beijing has set up a sex determination lab to test female Olympic athletes suspected to be males, state media reported today.Sex testing has been routine at the Olympics and other sports events for decades, triggered by fears that male athletes sought to cheat by posing as women. Indian athlete Santhi Soundarajan was stripped of an Asian Games silver medal in 2006 after failing a gender verification test.

Apple is on it's way to taking over the world...

First the iPod, then the iMac, next the glorious Air Book... now I give you... The Air Poo!