ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Damn it to hell...

So I'm rounding out the front 9 at the golf course I play at and I'm feeling good about my game. I opened the day with back to back pars so I was in a grove. Started to slide a bit with back to back bogies, but I'm still feeling it. The next three holes were a total disaster, so I won't go there. As I was saying, rounding out the front 9 pulling up to the 8th which is a deceiving par 4 coming in at about 395 off the blue tee. I had been hitting the driver well today, not great... sliced a couple, but for the most part right in the 260 range with a bit of a fade. Well, good 'ol number 8 takes a bit of a jack to get it across the mess that is set up in front of you. A jungle of an unpenetrable mess in front of you and if you hook your drive your gonna end up in the pit. Which is nothing but gravel and waste land. I blast off the tee and sure enough.... it starts drawing for the crap on the left. I knew I was screwed. Even though it felt great off the tee, where it lands is oh so important versus how it feels when it flies. So I hop in the cart to go survey the damage knowing full well I popped in right in the middle of the junk. To my surprise I find that it had actually hit some pretty hard stuff and continued forward on towards the green. I'm not in the fairway, but DAMN that was a monster. I was sitting about 65 yards out from the pin. I grabbed my trusty trouble wedge, lined it up, and let it rip out of the mid rough that it was nestled in. That ball came off the face of the club like a rocket. Strait up and right at the pin. It dropped out of the sky like a stork delivering a baby, just a nice soft plop all of 4 feet from the cup. I knew I had hit it well, but not that well. As the rest of the group I was with made their way onto the green, I just looked in amazement... I'm 4 feet from a birdie. I'm usually right at par or one over.. so a birdie for me is a rare thing. Everyone putted out and it was my turn to wrap up the hole. Reading the break, just a bit right... that's all it was... a bit right. I have nailed this put a hundred times. I cleared my practice puts out of my mind and stepped in to do the deed. Drew back my putter and the softest of all 'pops' off my putter kissed the ball to the hole... problem? It only rolled about 3 of the 4 feet. You have got to be kidding me... I'm short? I'M NEVER SHORT!!!!! I blew it. A miscue, a doink, a boff, a limp wristed swag of the stick...

I so suck... lol

oh and for the record... no short skirts were witnessed on the course. Although there was one guy with a fairly girlie wag...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww ... sorry to hear you were short ... maybe if there had been a short skirt or two you would have been a little harder ;) LOL