ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not when I was in school... and yes the creation of rock was cool...

Some of you out there have heard the personal side of my rant about how kids these days, particularly girls are a bit... on in their years compared to when I was younger. The way they dress, act, talk.... even look. I have heard all the stories from "it's due to genetically altered milk" to "I guess this is the part of Darwin's evolution theory that no one will argue with". Personally... I'm not a fan of these young ladies growing up so fast. Too many jerks and asshats out there, not to mention the sick F*CKO pervs out there just WAITING to use the line... "she was asking for it".

So, on the flip side of all that is on the up and up with our youth... I come across this gem of an article...

A packed crowd of around 1,000 teenage students – aged 14 to 19 – saw the saucy display as part of a health drive. Students videoed the dances on their mobiles. A row has now erupted at South Devon College in Paignton after the demonstration prompted a wave of complaints from teachers. The demo – held in a public area of the school – was run by Sam Remmer of pole dancing company The Art of Dance. The 32-year-old said she was invited as part of the school’s Be Healthy Week.

Oh yes... it's real...

Friggin Valentines Day....

So, I'm not a fan of the day... in all sense of the matter. Typically a pretty rough day for the 'ol Chuck, but this year there is hope. Thanks to Dynamic Pawn I know EXACTLY what to get this year! A nice semi automatic pistol...

Confused porn...

LOL NSFW due to content and some language... but made me chuckle

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shameless plug...

Some things better left alone...

Since I'm in the Super Bowl mood, I just read an article that kind of made me mad. The only thing that makes it even REMOTELY ok is that he is also a Steeler and the original star is cool with it. What is 'ol ChuCK talking about? The timeless Coke commercial with the All-Time great, Mean Joe Green. This was one of those commercials that set the bar for marketing THAT much higher. Well, I guess the whole world will have to wait to see if Troy Polamalu does this any justice...

For your viewing pleasure...

The original...

The teaser for the new one...

Super Bowl tickets only for OMG YOU TOOK MY KIDNEY!

I'm a football fan. (for my international readers... not that version of football with tiny boy shorts and a round checker boarded ball) I love it. I miss playing it... and I can't get enough of it on T.V. First off, GO AFC! Notice I said AFC.... although my Texans will not be there anytime soon, I will however support the division. Much like the National League in baseball... but that's for my summer time rants. So, back to my original point. The Super Bowl has become an institution of American life. T.V. sales, snack food booms, and countless people clearing space in their houses so nothing gets broken... THEN there are the lucky 65,857 people... plus or minus a few... that will actually be there when it happens at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. I myself, will not be there. I know... many of you are wondering HOW the mighty ChuCK couldn't be at such an event... Well, it boils down to time. But then again... it could have something to do with the nose bleed seats going for $1,600 a pop. Now we all know I would be more than happy to drop the $5,000 -$9,000 for 50 yard sideline seats... no problem. Yea right... So I get that this is THE game. The big momma. There is none higher at any level of football. The NFL even has gag orders on all media outlets that they can't use the words "Super Bowl" unless they sign a contract with all kinds of clauses. Hell, even on the radio they outright said "since we can't say it, the BIG GAME party will be at..." how sad is that... Currently the projections put ticket sales totaling around $57 million, advertising at around $275 million, and oh AND they are still bitching that they will fall short of their goals by around $50 million. OH me oh FRIGGIN my... they aren't making enough money. So how bad is it really hitting the NFL if some radio station says the words "Super Bowl"? What if they broke it up... something along the lines of "the Super event that happens to be played only once a year that uses the reference of a eating surface called a Bowl". Does that work? I don't think it will break the bank for them... Hell, I think my budget, in this wonderful economy we have here, is about $28.75. Just enough for chips, beer, and MAYBE oh just MAYBE some bratwurst... if it's on sale. You know what... somewhere along the line I lost completely what I was talking about... oh well...

Go AFC..
and this Super Bowl shit is getting WAY too damn expensive...