ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Damn that's a shitload of work...

The exact amount of a "shitload" varies widely between context and culture. Here is the breakdown:
Standard English Shitload = 1007
Metric Shitload = 10000
Baker's Shitload = 1008
Binary Shitload = 1024

Of course there's the matter of how many shitloads in a Assload, or a fuckload:
Standard English: Fuckload = 4 Assloads = 8 Shitloads
Metric: Fuckload = 10 Assloads = 100 Shitloads
Baker's: Fuckload = 5 Assloads = 9 Shitloads
Binary: Fuckload = 1024 Assloads = 1048576 Shitloads

(borrowed from another site... can't remember where...)

Counters Pina Colada

Ok, bear with me on this one... since we are on the subject of drinking until morale is better.... First off, I am not a doctor. I'm not a chef, nor am I a bartender. SOOOOOooo keep all of that in mind when you read all of this.

I started a mission a while back to make a sugar free (or as much as possible) Pina Colada for my sister in-law. In my search, I have been able to reduce the sugars in my Pina Colada to all natural and alcohol sugars. These sugars are much easier for the body to absorb, making this drink as close to “sugar-safe” for you or your diabetic and even dieting friends. So if you use the specific ingredients that I have found, you should be good. Now everyone is different and you should know your own limits. Don’t in anyway expect this to be the magic mix, it just happens to be the best that I have been able to put together in my search.

Complete list of ingredients to make approx 3 batches in the ‘ol blender, just enough to polish off the bottle of rum. Now I don’t condone getting all liquored up by yourself, but if you’re serving a group this will go fast.

1 Bottle of Cruzan Coconut Rum (Captain Morgan’s Parrots Bay is also very good in this mix, but I have found that Cruzan has a smoother taste in the blend)
3 13.5 oz cans Port Arthur Coconut Milk
3 6 oz cans of Dole Pineapple Juice
1 half gallon of Blue Bell “No Sugar Added” Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Enough ice to get the job done

2 cups of ice
½ cup Dole Pineapple Juice
1 cup Port Arthur Coconut Milk
1 cup Cruzan Coconut Rum
1-½ cup of Blue Bell “No Sugar Added” Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Add ice (preferred chopped or in small cubes) then add all liquid ingredients into the blender. Blend ingredients down for approx 15-20 seconds. Then add the 1-½ cup of Blue Bell “No Sugar Added” Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. Blend for another 30-40 seconds or until desired consistency is met. The ice cream really ties all of it together, making the drink more like a smoothie rather than a gritty traditional ice drink. To add a bit of flair you can even slice some fresh strawberries or add mint leaves and fan them across the top to bring some color to it. Any way you like it, the drink should go down just fine.



-That is all...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leave the jokes to the professionals...

There is a fine line between a comedic genius and a dumbass. With that being said... the ones being paid to be funny.... NOT on the dumbass list. Oh sure, you can be funny... AND a dumbass... (see Jim Carrey)... but... when you are in a position as one of the most (formerly now, you lost points in my book) respected people in your industry and we are facing some of the most difficult financial times the planet has ever seen... jokes are not allowed. No, not even at a party. No, not even "I just flew in and boy are my arms tired". Where am I going with this? Well... let me show you...

ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson on Wednesday was at a charity event in Dallas (what? Dallas has something to do with oil?) and made the comment, oh and I FRIGGIN quote... "You mean (that) they're too low?" in reference to gas prices while speaking to a reporter. You have got to be kidding me. That's like telling Helen Keller to LOOK and LISTEN to Cirque du Soleil because it is AMAZING... then fading into the classic... ohhhhh my bad. Let me get this strait you pompous jackass of a business man... You made well over $5 mil last year, you're the CEO of THE largest publicly traded oil company, AND I'm willing to put good money down that the electric bill for your house last month is my annual income... oh and not to mention these "record" earnings that keep getting posted... So it's ok to say gas prices are "too low" AT A FRIGGIN CHARITY EVENT! Wow... I guess charity and compassion are separate financial books on your pile of ledgers. Guess which one needs an audit...

So what to do with such an asshat as this? Well, nothing people. As I always say... you have to take it in the Bo Bo because PEOPLE like this run the joint. I'm getting all misty... I'm so proud of the human race...

If you must read it for yourself...


Ok, one damn minute... ONE MINUTE!!!

Did you guys and gals know that there is a new President of the United States? Some cat named Obama... Why the hell am I the last to know this kind of thing... you think SOMEONE would have at least mentioned this in passing to me. OH OH OHHHHHHH and GET THIS!!! It happened yesterday! Oh yea... that's right people... I was left out of the DAMN inner circle of information AGAIN!

...that's it... where's my agent... we need to talk...

Product of the year... in January...

Ok, so I'm sold by the name alone... Beer Pouch Sweatshirt with Hood HOW kick ass is that? This is about the best damn article of clothing since Vans checker boarded shoes! Check this out...

Finally! You can carry around a beer while leaving your hands free to high five a complete stranger in the stands, carry more beer, or operate your hands-free cellphone. The Beer Pouch Sweatshirt is perfect for sporting events, picnics, and really boring offices.Features a 30 square inch pouch with elastic band and an insulating liner to keep your beer ice cold. The pouch can stretch to accommodate soda cans, bottled water, and even cans of soup and bottles of whipped cream.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Muse...

muse (plural mus·es)

1. somebody who inspires artist: somebody who is a source of inspiration for an artist, especially for a poet
2. artist's inspiration: the source of inspiration that stimulates an artist, especially a poet
3. artist's particular talent: the gift or talent of an artist, especially a poet

By definition, the word muse is selfishly contained by the arts. I wonder though... is it possible for there to be a muse in every facet of life? Is it possible for the inspiration of this being to transcend the arts and into one's daily life?

According to Greek mythology, the Muses are a spirits who embody the arts and inspire the creative process with their graces through remembered song and stage, writing, traditional music, and dance. Considering the era that the Muses (Musae or Mousai) were presented to humanity, the beauty of the arts were all encompassing. Life WAS art... but now, in modern day, the transgression of art has become something of a blur. Undefined in any culture that would be properly represented to the next. Art in itself has taken a turn into the maelstrom of perception to be used as a shield of representation. But what of the muse... In today's world, the muse can be visible in all walks of your day. I feel as though any inspiration entrusted from one to another is the work of a muse. Everyone is enjoying the comfort of a muse whether you are aware of it or not. I wasn't... It was only recently that I was able to sit back... and recognize the inspiring goddesses that have influenced my life... in the past and as of late. In art and in life... To create is to live, to empower... to be.

More music that moves me...

This one is dedicated to one song... and one song only. Ringfinger by Nine Inch Nails (Trent Reznor). Unlike the last post, I will include the lyrics on this one...

Ringfinger by Trent Reznor

well you've got me working so heard lately
working my hands until they bleed
if I was twice the man I could be
I’d still be half of what you need
still you lead me and I follow
anything you ask you know I’ll do
this one act of consecration is what I ask of you

promise carved in stone
deeper than the sea
sever flesh and bone
and offer it to me

you just left me nailed here
hanging like Jesus on this cross
I’ll be dying for your sins
and aiding to the cause

promise carved in stone
deeper than the sea
sever flesh and bone
and offer it to me

wrap my eyes in bandages
confessions I see through
I get everything I want
when I get part of you

promise carved in stone
deeper than the sea
sever flesh and bone
and offer it to me

promise carved in stone
deeper than the sea
devil's flesh and bone
do something for me