ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A-HA decoded...

LOL can't take a trip to the 80's without including this classic.... the hell does a man reach that note without a wrench to the nuts...

Tears for fears... decoded...


Was that fast? Come on, you can tell me... was that fast?

This one goes out to my pops... He is a classic wheel gun, single action, do you feel lucky punk kind of guy. Although... I'm willing to bet he has already seen this one lol

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ROCK ON!!! With your bad self?

Lord help me... this is a sure sign that the world may be coming to an end. All kidding aside... he is almost good... lol

hats off for this one lol

Bullshit.... or not....

that has to be one of my favorite parody lines from a movie. the movie was amazon women from the moon. a cult classic at this point, completely mindless, but DAMN funny.... well... at times. anyways, here is a clip from where i got the title of this post...

LOL ok and now for my take... this is a video of a guy who CLAIMS he has traveled to the future... and met himself... under his sink? you decide...

If the thorn crown doesn't fit, you must acquit..

so i'm reading through my news... which has stacked up quite a bit in my absence and i came across a real gem. it would appear that the lord all mighty has been sued. that's right... god has been called to court. listen... i can;t make this kind of shit up, even in my unstable mental state...

Nebraska Court Throws Out Lawsuit Against 'God'


You can't sue God if you can't serve the papers on him, a Douglas County District Court judge has ruled in Omaha.

Judge Marlon Polk threw out Nebraska Sen. Ernie Chambers' lawsuit against the Almighty, saying there was no evidence that the defendant had been served. What's more, Polk found "there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant."

Chambers had sued God in September 2007, seeking a permanent injunction to prevent God from committing acts of violence such as earthquakes and tornadoes.

The senator said today that he is considering an appeal of Polk's ruling.

"It is a thoughtful, well-written opinion," Chambers said. "However, like any prudent litigator, I want to study it in detail before I determine what my next course of action will be."

Polk dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice, which means it can't be refiled. But his ruling can be appealed.

Although the case may seem superfluous and even scandalous to others, Chambers has said his point is to focus on the question of whether certain lawsuits should be prohibited.

"Nobody should stand at the courthouse door to predetermine who has access to the courts," he said. "My point is that anyone can sue anyone else, even God."

Chambers, a political independent who has served in the Nebraska Legislature for 38 years, said he decided to make that point after at least two attempts by other senators in the Legislature to limit "frivolous lawsuits."

"I was able to fend them off," Chambers said. "A lawsuit is not frivolous until a court declares it so."

The senator did have a day in court on the case. In August, he argued that Polk should take judicial notice of the existence of God. The senator cited the facts that U.S. currency says "In God We Trust," God is invoked during oaths in court hearings, and chaplains offer prayers before legislative bodies.

"If God is omnipresent," Chambers said in that August hearing, "then he is here in Douglas County and in this courtroom." Polk was not persuaded.

His Tuesday ruling said Chambers' motion to take judicial notice of God "is denied as moot."

Excuse me, are you done with that?

to say that my observations of the world are a bit jaded is an understatement. i guess it comes from years of mental abuse and anguish, self inflicted of course, as my brain becomes a juicy pile of mush. i often wonder if it's the simple things that make me interested, or the fact that i really do enjoy the simple things and the fact that most people ignore them. what a cerebral quagmire that is... for instance, i am completely enamoured of the fact that street signs have a reflective property that is explosive at the right angle when light hits it at night. almost like looking into the eyes of a cat when the pupil is wide open. anyways, to return to my jaded views, i was sitting down enjoying a cup of coffee, when i overheard an interesting conversation. now, i am not one to listen in to a private exchange, but sometimes i just can;t tune it out. i will hear 4 maybe 5 things all at once... almost to the tune of insanity when in public places... as i was saying, this conversation felt as though it were a bit of vocal bait... beckoning someone to snatch it up and run with it. however, i resisted. it was a swirl of hidden relationships, faithless love, and how money was the solution to all of their problems. the gentleman to my left however... bad move. he of course in the smug sense of self riotousness spouted out words of wisdom, coating it with his own personal facts. i'm thinking to myself, ummmmmm mr. jackass of self invitation, please step back from your own reality for a second and realize that, although impressive to see, putting your foot in your mouth all the way to your ass is not a good first impression. even as they break away from contact with each other to watch this master of life spin his web... you could tell something was out of sorts. the young man, now ripped from his concentration of the woman across from him, was almost disgusted at the fact that this walking wall of wisdom has intruded on their personal space. the young lady however bursts into laughter... not phasing our rock or worldly experience. he continued to lecture on relationships and how temptation can ruin a soul... but trailing off he was snapped back... now understanding that his intrusion was most definitely uncalled for... why do you ask...

the young couple collected up the papers that were scrambled across the table in front of them... the script that they were rehearsing for a college play... only in life can you be the bastion of intelligence, the savior, and the primordial soup of stupidity all in the same moment. isnt life grand.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ten years gone...

I have to say, one of my favorite Zeppelin song of all time. Well, I came across this cover... simply amazing...