ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Excuse me, are you done with that?

to say that my observations of the world are a bit jaded is an understatement. i guess it comes from years of mental abuse and anguish, self inflicted of course, as my brain becomes a juicy pile of mush. i often wonder if it's the simple things that make me interested, or the fact that i really do enjoy the simple things and the fact that most people ignore them. what a cerebral quagmire that is... for instance, i am completely enamoured of the fact that street signs have a reflective property that is explosive at the right angle when light hits it at night. almost like looking into the eyes of a cat when the pupil is wide open. anyways, to return to my jaded views, i was sitting down enjoying a cup of coffee, when i overheard an interesting conversation. now, i am not one to listen in to a private exchange, but sometimes i just can;t tune it out. i will hear 4 maybe 5 things all at once... almost to the tune of insanity when in public places... as i was saying, this conversation felt as though it were a bit of vocal bait... beckoning someone to snatch it up and run with it. however, i resisted. it was a swirl of hidden relationships, faithless love, and how money was the solution to all of their problems. the gentleman to my left however... bad move. he of course in the smug sense of self riotousness spouted out words of wisdom, coating it with his own personal facts. i'm thinking to myself, ummmmmm mr. jackass of self invitation, please step back from your own reality for a second and realize that, although impressive to see, putting your foot in your mouth all the way to your ass is not a good first impression. even as they break away from contact with each other to watch this master of life spin his web... you could tell something was out of sorts. the young man, now ripped from his concentration of the woman across from him, was almost disgusted at the fact that this walking wall of wisdom has intruded on their personal space. the young lady however bursts into laughter... not phasing our rock or worldly experience. he continued to lecture on relationships and how temptation can ruin a soul... but trailing off he was snapped back... now understanding that his intrusion was most definitely uncalled for... why do you ask...

the young couple collected up the papers that were scrambled across the table in front of them... the script that they were rehearsing for a college play... only in life can you be the bastion of intelligence, the savior, and the primordial soup of stupidity all in the same moment. isnt life grand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess that's what you get for listening to conversations you shouldn't .... I would have love to have been there to see it myself :D