ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can we build it? Faaagetabout it...

This is the Bob The Builder we as adults wish would air every day instead of that mind numbing other stuff that's supposed to be helping our children grow up right... I did this one by link because the video will auto play when you embed it in a page. Can't be having that every time you visit my blog...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Not just Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger...

The whole crew is a testimony to what a well trained crew can accomplish. I know there has been a lot of coverage on this, but I felt compelled to share it. Capt. Sullenberger is no doubt a fine pilot, his impeccable flight record and the fact that all 155 passengers aboard survived speaks for itself. In my mind, the MAN he is after the event speaks more than his skills and training did on that day. Here are the 3 parts of the 60 Minutes interview of the crew of U.S. Airways Flight 1549.

Here is the transcript and original un-edited radio communication between the tower and flight 1549.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Steroscopes of the now!

One of my many hobbies happens to be antique collecting. Books, reading glasses, stereoscopes, cameras... stuff like that. Well, I happen to fancy quite a bit the simple technology used to create depth in an image by use of the stereoscope. Not sure what I'm talking about? Remember those ViewMasters we used to have as a kid? Same thing. In today's world of technology, there are new ways to fool the brain that don't require any additional hardware pressed against your face. It's called a wiggle photo or stereo animation. I will be working on a project here real soon to attempt to create a few myself. In the mean time, here is a sample and a link that will tell you everything you need to know in order to create your own!

The Family News

So the mighty ChuCKster was digging through some old papers and found a family newsletter from... well... a LONG time ago. May of '86 to be exact. Come to think of it, that wasn't that long ago. Anyways, so I guess it was a bit of a trend back then, using dot matrix printers and such to type up a little news paper to send to family and friends. No Virginia, there wasn't any email or Twitter back then. As I'm looking at the AMAZING graphic quality on this paper, I thought I would share one of the segments... Keep in mind this was written by an 10 year old, so go easy on them. The names have been changed to protect the guilty...

Dad's C-64
Dad loves his computer. When he messes up, he says "&$%#*$#%"!!! and so on. ChuCK loves the C-64 too. ChuCK plays every day. The game that ChuCK likes the best is Bards Tale. Dad uses the computer for writing his reports and printing pictures with Print Shop.

It's funny to me reading this, because of the comment about Bard's Tale... considering a previous post about it...

Konnichiwa. Sore wa ikura desu ka?

I miss my days in Japan. I really do. Well this site here is a great place to buy things that might normally be difficult to find. Well, ok, maybe not difficult... but damn hard for someone like me in the middle of Texas. Not much call for Hanafuda cards around these parts... Although, if someone wants to be real nice and order me some, I would LOVE it. See, I'm missing one card out of my deck... oh never mind... back to my point. Anyways, this site is pretty damn cool.

How to treat a woman wrong..right? Wait... wrong...

LOL and men wonder why we have a bad wrap... well... this video says it all. Oh and ChuCK does not endorse this video, but I did laugh... is that wrong?

(some language)