ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Have you ever...

While sitting down having a few Tecates with a bunch of friends, someone at the table said that I act like Dennis Leary when I get upset. They continued to compare some of my rants to his stand up calling out how that I cant help but make a vicious point without adding humor too it. Not to mention the apparent pace at which I dole out any said rant. Sadly... I kind of agree. So I have been taking a bit of a poll with those who know me in person... "If I were and actor or any other person in the public eye, who would you compare me too?"

First up... Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) from NCIS
I have been told that my mannerism are quite similar to his, direct and to the point with a wicked twist of sarcasm, not to mention his love for coffee. I would say that it definitely rivals mine. I never really saw the correlation until I sat down one weekend and watched a few re-runs on t.v. Asking my self "Am I that much of an ass? Humm, guess I am."

Sad thing is, in certain circumstances I say "I'm sorry" quite often... hmmmm time to re-evaluate that lol.

Second is, well Dennis Leary. I think the video speaks for itself... and yes I have BLOWN up in a coffee shop like this... well before I knew this video existed lol (NSFW due to language)

I think we will make this one a multi part post... more to come :-)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Holy smoking double bogey Batman...

Don't you just hate it when you are in one of those funks. Well, I'm in one. I have never claimed to be a good golfer... but I'm alright. I was actually on the straight and narrow there for a while. Shooting in the high 80's low 90's... not bad all things considered. Lately though... as in the last 4 damn times I have gone out, oh it's horrid. Not just horrid, I would compare my golf game right now to something along the lines of what a baby would look like if Flavor Flav and Roseanne Barr had a kid with 4 legs. Oh yea... it's that bad. I have been slicing the hell out of everything. Far right, far right... toe it off to the damn right. So I have closed the club face a bit, made my hand positions on my grip a bit stronger, hell... I even tossed the ball up in the air and took a crack at it like it was a baseball... yup, sliced it too. On TOP of all of that, I haven't been able to clear my mind on the course. As soon as I address the ball, the land of a thousand thought come flying in. Everything from did I lock the truck to I wonder if there is air in the tires on my mountain bike.

Oh OH and get this... the most recent thing... my 20th high school reunion... yea... why THAT has been on my mind... I have no friggin clue. I even had a nightmare about it last night. I say nightmare, cause it sure as hell wasn't any fun. Everyone was all dressed up in nice cloths talking about the things that they do now... And here I am, in my cargo shorts, one of my many golf shirts and my Houston Texans visor on. One person (who will remain nameless) mentioned to me that they were in the cattle business. Striking my curiosity, I responded "Oh really? Angus, Brahman, Hereford?" In return I got "Well I don't know all about that stuff you just said, but I'm in the cattle business" (for those of you who don't know.... those are breeds) To top it all off, the damn reunion was in MY HOUSE! Oh I don't friggin think so... wanna see how fast ChuCK can throw people down the street? Invite all the people I went to high school with to my house and you will soon find out. Everything about that damn dream was wrong or demented. I'm sure there is some psycho babble theory out there that I have some hidden resentment about my life or I am questioning how well things are for me. Why that is, again, I don't know. I'm not the type of person that feels the need to keep up with the "guy next door". Buying new stuff just because I saw him walk in with a new T.V. or something. No need for that at all. As long as my family is taken care of, that is worth life itself. Well... in my book anyways...

So where does this leave me? I'll tell you where... a shitty golf game, no beer in the fridge, and a fear to sleep because the LAST thing I want to be reminded of is some of the people I went to school with. But hey, I am looking on the bight side. I have a 16 year black label scotch in the bar downstairs that is just smoking awesome. Mainly because the store I go to gave me a discount on it... because they said it was too old and from last Christmas. They didn't want it on the shelves anymore. Scotch... too old.... "You have any more in the back ma'am? I will be happy to take this nasty old firewater off your hands."