ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thank you Associated Press...

Well, this is actually old news. The AP (Associated Press) has changed what people can and can not quote from them. They are now starting up a system that makes you pay them for using quotes and linking back to their news. Oh and get this... it's per word!
  • 5-25 $ 12.50
  • 26-50 $ 17.50
  • 51-100 $ 25.00
  • 101-250 $ 50.00
  • 251 and up $ 100.00

Needless to say, I don't have the cash to be sending them every time I want to brighten up someones day with a funny article. So from this point forward, no news from the AP will be used on my blog. Yes they have started to sue, they are nailing The Drudge Retort right now... Regardless of the details in the case, I will just play it safe and not deal with anything the AP puts out there until they figure out how they are going to deal with bloggers...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Put your hands up, or I will shoot myself....

I think we may have a winner in the Darwin awards this year... well at least a finalist. A young man attempting to make a home robbery in Texas yesterday shot and killed himself in the attempt. My question is, did he even have a chance to make it out of there if he didn't shoot himself first. Isn't it common knowledge that all Texans are armed?

Cameron Sands, 19, of Fort Worth kicked in the door of the house and then shot himself in the stomach as he pulled a gun out of his pants to shoot the homeowner, Grand Prairie police said. The homeowner was not injured. After Mr. Sands shot himself, he dropped the gun and ran out of the home. Police found his body around 5:30 a.m. in the driveway of the home in the 2800 block Garden Grove Road, said Lt. John Brimmer, a Grand Prairie police spokesman.

Can I rent an ATV quad-runner? How about a co-ed porn video?

Now this guys is 100% American. Looks like the little town of Allenspark, Colorado is about to get a little hotter. Mr. Mead made a simple request to open an ATV rental store, but the local Planning Commission said no way. Someone tells you no? You ask a different way, well kinda....

The controversy began when Jeff Mead wanted to open an ATV rental store there.But nearby neighbors complained about the noise and enviromental impact.Margie Patterson says Mead's clients have damaged pristine private land, a claim Mead dismisses.The Boulder County Planning Commission recently denied the businessman a special-use permit to open his business.So Mead put out a banner on his building which reads,"Patterson's XXX Porn Gallery". Mead said he's serious about opening the adult store to make money since he was denied a permit to open his rental shop.

Derrrrr ummmm duuuuuu dem BOOBIES!!!!

So the men of the world unite! We have all pretty much accepted the fact that women are smarter than men, at least I have. Guess that comes from being married to an Irish-Spaniard... anyways, science is now on our side. Neuroscientists Bram Van den Bergh , Siegfried Dewitte &, Luk Warlop have completed a studdy that basically says one thing... women in bikinis make men stupid. I wonder how much cash they dumped into this one. Hell, all you have to do is hit any warm area on the planet during spring break to find out all you need. Everywhere you turn there is some testosteroned jackass making a fool of himself just to woo the attention of a busty woman. Ohhhh I get it, this was just a way for them to get payed while looking at women...

This month’s issue of the Journal of Consumer Research features a paper titled “Bikinis Instigate Generalized Impatience in Intertemporal Choice,” which is a neuroeconomist’s (definition in a moment) way of saying that men don’t make good decisions while checking out pretty girls in bikinis.
In the “bikini” experiments, Belgian researchers conducted a series of tests on 358 young men. In one test, the men looked at images of women in bikinis or lingerie and at images of landscapes. In another, some men were given T-shirts to handle and assess while others were given bras. Another batch of men was assigned to watch a commercial featuring men running over landscapes while other guys watched a video of “hundreds of young women, dressed in bikinis running across hills, fields and beaches.”

... I think it's time for me to ask for a study grant of my own. "Female Physiology Recognition Using Tactile Acuity", think I could get that one to fly?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Damn it, didn't see that there...

and personal fav of mine... cheaters never profit lol

Great waste of time...

This is a pretty cool link for those who doodle. I know I do, didn't mean to spend 3 hours on the web site thought... oops. For the best results, drop acid 10 minutes prior to visitng the site.

Wii-tards unite!

Looks like the good 'ol Wii-tards are back in the news. With the recent release of the new Wii Fit game on the popular Nintendo Wii console, there has been an increase in damage to personal property. The most recent report out there is from England... Ickle... please be careful...

British women who use the Nintendo Wii Fit video game to work out have caused a total of nearly $40 million in destruction to their homes, research indicates. Women have accidentally kicked over televisions, furniture and pets while exercising in the privacy of their living rooms with the Wii, The Daily Telegraph reported Monday.About a fifth of women said they have accidentally knocked into objects in their living rooms or hurt themselves while using the Wii, a study by women's insurance company Sheila's Wheels revealed.

Don't take my word for it, there is a site dedicated to such destruction. It's a little out of date, but none the less proof is there.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I pinky swear I will be good...

OK, if this judge still has a job by next week.... justice is not only blind, but pretty friggin stupid as well...

A convicted criminal is on the loose in Clovis after escaping from the Curry County Detention Center on Thursday. Johnathon Shane May was sentenced Wednesday to five years in the Department of Corrections for the possession of methamphetamine with the intent to distribute. May told the judge he had a dentist appointment and asked if his mother could take him. The judge agreed but ordered may to return immediately after. But instead he fled in a Ford Bronco.

Damn cats...

I'm not a cat person... but these are pretty funny, not to mention they nailed how cats act :-)