ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank you board of edu... wtf did I just step in...

I haven't written about the news in a while... but I couldn't pass this one up. Apparently in Peyton Colorado there is absolutely nothing to do in your spare time... except thinks of things to do with poop. So, why not integrate it into the education system, so that the fine children of your community will learn to respect it. HUH?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!?!

A Peyton, Colo., elementary school principal has apologized to parents and teachers for a "lesson" that involved students looking inside a bag of human waste. Peyton Elementary Principal Michael Auclaire said Tuesday the incident Monday was the result of frustration he and the school's janitorial staff felt at the reoccurring messes in the bathroom frequented by fourth and fifth grade girls, The (Colorado Springs) Gazette reported Thursday. He said the intention of having the children don gloves and look inside the bag of feces and urine was to help the children understand that it is inappropriate to defecate on the floor or toilet seats of the bathroom. However, he conceded that having the children handle the bag "was not the best thing to do."

Ok, let me get this strait... janitors are complaining about cleaning up a bathroom. I'm pretty sure this is where people get told, if you don't want to clean up after someone, get a different job! Ohh ohh better yet... if you would have payed more attention in SCHOOL you wouldn't be cleaning the toilets at one. Well, at least that's what my school counselor always told me...
So, back to the point, you think that by making a kid play with a bag of shit you are going to fix the problem? Hope you don't have any flaming bags of crap sitting on your front porch this weekend... because honestly, they are only going to be emulating those that influence their lives every day... Mr nasty ass fecalfeliac poop lover... hope the bag spills in your desk you sicko.


Anonymous said...

OMG ... as you said Chuck ... your job is to clean toilets ... you expect the joys that go with that !!!

That principal needs to get grip on life ... if that's how he handles his "frustrations"

It's a good job we don't all handle our frustrations in full view of everyone ... hehehe ;)

Anonymous said...

Skooter Said:

even though it is the Janitors job to clean the bathrooms. why should he have to KEEP on cleaning up after 8-10yr old GIRLS. it seems the frustration was because they kept getting it every where. i for one would have make them each clean some of it up WITH OUT gloves. and see if that did not cure the problem.

Anonymous said...

Skooter said....
post something new or i shall drive over there and start some old fashion butt whoopin'