ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I like big cans and I cannot lie...

So those of you who know me pretty well know that I can put away my share of Monster, Rockstar, and other "power" drinks. Normally these come in tiny little un-manly cans. Well in my travels I came across this gem... yes the "BFC" stands for Big F^%k'n Can. LOVE IT!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blame it on the rain...

Well that's the reason. Pretty much been floating away for the past couple of days. Not to mention, I'm on the road again. Oh and for the record, $25 valet parking is NOT a bargain. Especially when there isn't any public parking available... Pricks...
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's math bitch! JUST MATH!!!!

Ok props to this kid for actually using his brain. Now time to smack the ever living sh*t out of the parents...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Life is like a box of Penii...

Is that even a word? Not that it matters... Anyway... So I stumbled across this today and I'm not quite sure how to take it.  So in an effort to not start a holy war on my blog, unless someone out there REALLY wants to pick that fight. I am going to let my sarcastic comments slide on this one. However... is it coincidence that Stephen Hawking recently claimed that modern physics has now proved that God was not required for the creation of the universe...

Creative juices and where they flow...

So for some of my long time readers, hello to both of you and thank you, I seem to have come across a situation where I am writing again. I have always maintained that I should write a book someday about my life. Not that I think my life is interesting in any way, but... it is a story that I don't mind telling. Especially the parts about the pirates and the hidden treasure that my friends and I went to find. That was an adventure, it was almost completly ruined by these people that were chasing us the whole damn time! Oh wait...

Anyways, so I am back on that horse of just letting it all out there whether it be my rants, short stories, or just that I felt the world needed to know about a particular sexy piece of toast I was cooking....

ChuCK is BACK... from shopping...

So I'm indecisive when it comes to buying monitors and it took me a little while... sue me. Anyways, it's all coming together now. Might even post some pics on where the mad mind of ChuCK plays. Two 19" monitors bookending the 22" widescreen.... oh yes... it is good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chuck is out of order...

Well not really. I'm just out on the town shopping for a new monitor. You see, I have this fancy new MacBook and well... I need at least a 24" widescreen for it. So my travels in search for the perfect glowing companion have killed my posting time for the moment. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Match made in Heaven... Pub & Grill that is...

I know that they say there is "the one" for every single person out there. In some cases however, I just don't buy it. Well, it looks like 'ol Chuck has been proven wrong again. This couple out of Dover has shown that there really is such a thing as your soul mate. Too bad they happen to share more than just the bar tab...

"DOVER —A woman and her husband were both arrested for driving while intoxicated after he moved into the driver's seat of the car and attempted to drive away while she was performing field sobriety tests.

Capt. Michael Raiche said police responded to a minor accident on Central Avenue at about 5:30 p.m. Saturday after Sharon Piatek, 45, of 13 Langilier Court in Somersworth, allegedly rear-ended another vehicle.
Nobody was injured in the accident, however Raiche said the officer suspected that Piatek was under the influence of a drug at the time.

While Piatek was performing field sobriety tests, the passenger of her vehicle — 37-year-old Brian Piatek — allegedly moved into the empty driver's seat, put the Dodge Stratus into drive and began to drive forward, Raiche said.

At that time, the officer yelled for Brian Piatek to stop the car, and he allegedly put the car into the reverse, back into the spot it had been parked, Raiche said. "
Oh and for the alleged record, I feel as though allegedly is overused in news articles these days. Although, allegedly I use certain words too much as well... allegedly...

Wash rinse repeat?

Now I am all about the simple life. Eye for an eye, live by the law of the land... that kind of stuff. However, I would have to say this is one of those cases where the representation of simple instructions... well just see for yourself...

Ummm OK... Maybe in Arkansas...

Facebook + Mom = I just puked in my mouth and my eyes were dug out of their sockets with a spoon...

Literal photo of the day...

What can I say, I used to dig the tune when I was just a young lad grooving in my paisley butterfly collar shirts... don't judge me...

Yup... sometimes it makes you wonder...

Do I even need to add my sarcastic comments to this one? I'll pass... for fear she might hurt me...

Monday, August 30, 2010


Rollin... in my .5-0 with the windows down so my hair can blow... That's right, rollin dirty ain't got nuttin' on my fellow hard core dads!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Uh ohhhhhh Chuckie is mobile...

So let's see if this iPhone app helps me keep current. Since I travel so much, this will give me a chance too really abuse my readers eyes!

Is it just me...

Is it just me or does this guy look like a live action representation of a Mad Magazine character?

You got knocked the F*&K out!

This is a classic case of "Dude... you really aren't that tough"

As the seasons pass...

Back to the grind my friends. The blog is back to life!