ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Something that is on my mind

As posts go, this one might be off the beaten trail a bit. I'm not saying that it will be a whimsical journey down the path of righteousness, but I will say that my goal is to hopefully be thought provoking at the least.

Looking at what the world has handed us recently, I can't help but think... who or what is at fault? To me, the more interesting subject is the variety of blame. The democrats blame Bush for the economy, the world blames the 'dirty pig' for the h1n1 'swine' flu, and there are STILL people who feel as though the government is watching their every move with helicopters and high power satellites. I know my mind is simple, I make no fact outside of that, but why the elaborate blame games? Here is a novel idea, let's take all the energy of blame and work it towards resolution. Not to break the hearts of those who complain and accuse with such proficiency that it makes a robotic factory look out of sync. I guess my issue is with the 'cause by convenience' individuals. They act up and become fair weathered fans of a cause they should have been supporting from day one. In the information age we live in, it's difficult to say 'I didn't know'. Take where I live for example. Those who know the real me, remember the days of my earth day marches, my continuing effort of recycling, and the oddest of all habits, cutting the plastic rings on six packs. By the way, my reason for that is if my 'trash' happens to make its way to a body of water, the rings don't become the perfect killing machine of fish when they swim into it as a gill catching choke hold. To use the age old comment, but I digress... where I live, they JUST fired up an effort to allow a way for trash customers to recycle. Yes, 2009 and they are just now getting on board. Better late than never, but still a travesty that it has taken this long. Today happened to be the first pick up day for the recyclables. I expected the streets to be lined with bins eagerly awaiting a scenic trip around town to the final destination of a new beginning. The Hindu path of refuse as it may. To be reborn as a better being. I was shocked to see that along with myself, only one other home had put their bin out for pick up. Here I am, begging for a second bin due to the meticulous filtering of products to be recycled and there are scores of homes with little or no effort. My frustration isn't with the fact that their involvement is so low, far from it... my displeasure comes into play when the same people complain about the subject of the world around them. Oh I'm sorry you couldn't actually involve yourself, taking precious time away from your $85k Mercedes, or the Hummer you have as a second vehicle just for the hell of it. Tell me, are you the same one complaining about fuel cost? The same one complaining about your stocks failing? Or better yet, the home you live in that is well beyond your means just so you can say you have 3000 square feet of house for you, your trophy family, and little dog named Bunny? Again, this takes me back to, how can these types of people complain? Sell your $150k worth of cars, park 2 or 3 Priuses (sp) in front of that quarter of a million dollar plus home. You would save cash, save gas, and the catch phrase of the decade... reduces your carbon footprint. The bonus of this is that you would be able to keep that trophy home and most likely have left over money in order to pay that nasty mortgage down. Heaven forbid should anyone actually live well within their flow of income. It's ok if you don't eat out for lunch every day. It will be just fine to allow a piece of clothing to become more than a month old. Don't worry, your friends won't think any less of you for wanting to provide a stable life for your family rather than edge dwelling on the brink of bankruptcy. If they do complain about your new leaf of a life, ditch them. You have nothing to prove.

Now I feel as though I'm rambling into oblivion... no point... no reason... what the hell did I actually want to say when I started all of this anyways? Am I self reflecting on short comings in my own life? Would I be thrown out of line by the Soup Nazi for my floundering thoughts?

That's ok... I didn't want any soup anyways... hypocrites never get soup…


Ickle Red said...

You are sooooo right ... the ones that usually complain are the ones who are over indulgent in life ... and if they would only think further than what the neighbours will think they would be much happier with life !!! If there's one thing I can't stand ... it's people who think more of their posessions and what people think than the world around them !!!

Ok ... end of rant ... hehehe :)

Skooter said...

if i have to park a prius or 2 out side my home in order to keep it....take the house pleeeease!1

and no soup for you!