ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Konnichiwa. Sore wa ikura desu ka?

I miss my days in Japan. I really do. Well this site here is a great place to buy things that might normally be difficult to find. Well, ok, maybe not difficult... but damn hard for someone like me in the middle of Texas. Not much call for Hanafuda cards around these parts... Although, if someone wants to be real nice and order me some, I would LOVE it. See, I'm missing one card out of my deck... oh never mind... back to my point. Anyways, this site is pretty damn cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly I don't understand any of it ... it's all ... well ... Japanese to me ... hehehe