ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

ChuCK's editorial...

I figured I would speak my mind for a bit. I'm reading the news... as I always do since I'm an information nut... and it's all gloom and doom. Financial centers are failing, international currencies cease to hold value, war in lands that have been in conflict since the dawn of man... where is all of this taking us? I'll tell you where. For the mass majority of America... it's taking us to Taco Bell. Well why not Taco Bell. You can eat like a king for 5 dollars and not see anything that resembles the hard times that have fallen upon this planet. But then again, I imagine it's only a matter of time before that is ruined. I know my love for coffee has been violated. That's right... violated. I'm not talking about a little pinch in the ass, I'm talking outright mounting me in the ass and knotting it's rotten fingers in the scruff of my backside and riding me like a Big Wheel on Christmas Day. Drinking about 2 liters of coffee a day will do that to you. I normally walk around with a cup as a fixture of my body for the first half of the day. Well, on Friday I was forced to purchase at the local choke and puke. One, very bad I might add, cup of 12 oz coffee... $2.50 DAMN! $2.50 ... I remember when that was a quick fill up of gas, but then again back then I only got 8 maybe 10 miles to the gallon. Not that it mattered, because gas was only 74 cents a gallon.

Back to my original point... are things that bad in the world, or has age allowed me to see things differently? Personally, I feel the latter is the case. I was wandering down memory lane last night, listening to music that ruled my life when I was in my teens... damn some of that music sucked. I couldn't bring myself to listen to some of it... but there were a few that still struck a cord. Now, however, the lyrics mean something totally different to me. The grow my hair to my ass, eat me Mr. establishment days are long since gone... missed... but gone. Now I have the unfortunate eyes and ears of wisdom that creep in on the music, ruining the original passion I had. Back then, life was so simple. As they say, chicks... beer... and rock n' roll! Now, I'm in the FAST lane man... that's right... truck payment, mortgage, and hearing my favorite bands NOW on Classic Rock. Yup, the world really is that bad... and it's all coming to an end...

(The point of this editorial is to point out that most editorials have in fact no point at all, but are purely the explicit opinions of the writer, usually in an effort to sound more important than the readers to inflate their on ego.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those were the days Chuck ... I remember them well ... long since gone so you're not the only one !!

I often catch myself thinking about how the world is different now to when I was a kid .. wonder what it holds for my son .. how it's gonna be for him as a teen etc .. then I tell myself to stop thinking about it .. it's scary to think and worry about now .. it will be here soon enough so I'll worry about it then !!