ChuCK's Words of Wisdom

If you thought you were, you might have actually been. Problem being, if you were unaware if you were while you were, then knowing that you were in fact really that way is a moot point. Unless you knew you were the whole time, then you would be an ego-bag.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Derrrrr ummmm duuuuuu dem BOOBIES!!!!

So the men of the world unite! We have all pretty much accepted the fact that women are smarter than men, at least I have. Guess that comes from being married to an Irish-Spaniard... anyways, science is now on our side. Neuroscientists Bram Van den Bergh , Siegfried Dewitte &, Luk Warlop have completed a studdy that basically says one thing... women in bikinis make men stupid. I wonder how much cash they dumped into this one. Hell, all you have to do is hit any warm area on the planet during spring break to find out all you need. Everywhere you turn there is some testosteroned jackass making a fool of himself just to woo the attention of a busty woman. Ohhhh I get it, this was just a way for them to get payed while looking at women...

This month’s issue of the Journal of Consumer Research features a paper titled “Bikinis Instigate Generalized Impatience in Intertemporal Choice,” which is a neuroeconomist’s (definition in a moment) way of saying that men don’t make good decisions while checking out pretty girls in bikinis.
In the “bikini” experiments, Belgian researchers conducted a series of tests on 358 young men. In one test, the men looked at images of women in bikinis or lingerie and at images of landscapes. In another, some men were given T-shirts to handle and assess while others were given bras. Another batch of men was assigned to watch a commercial featuring men running over landscapes while other guys watched a video of “hundreds of young women, dressed in bikinis running across hills, fields and beaches.”

... I think it's time for me to ask for a study grant of my own. "Female Physiology Recognition Using Tactile Acuity", think I could get that one to fly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all know how simple men really are ... why do we need to carry out a study ???? :)